Hi, I’m sorry to disturb you

It so happens I live here too 

I’m the neighbour you seldom see 

I come and go so quietly 

Will you please bear in mind I exist?

Before I do more than clench my fists.

Do not mistake my respect for fear

Away from silence I too can steer.

I like my music loud and get hungry 

In the dead of night or too early 

Yet don’t blast my state of the art stereo 

Nor do I make a ruckus in the kitchen, no!

I like jumping jacks as much as the next one, 

I like charades and I like having fun. 

I save my energy for the daytime

So far I’ve been contained; have committed no crime.

I now toss the ball to you 

Show me, if you will, you’re inclined to instil 

A boundary or two 

A boundary or two 

You are allowed to live your life,

Far be it from me

To condemn your midnight pee

Or bedroom couple’s strife.

I implore you to keep sound to what can’t not be 

I request you to make noise that’s necessary.

Take off your heels at moonrise 

Wear headphones when it is 4

Sing in the show in the morning

Please do not slam the door. 

Our walls are paper thin 

I sometimes hear you breathe

Don’t get me started on the baby that’s started to teethe 

My grievance may come to you as a complete surprise

In your defense it’s true your have a neighbour who is deaf 

The other one’s a pilot that spends most time in the skies 

The third one’s a nocturnal cook, an absentee night chef. 

However, I am still here

I reside oh so near

I’m just one wall away

And you live in my ear! 
